Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beer and OMG HEADSHIT SHOOOOTTZ!!!!11 yallzapiece -of freshman college bullshit-

Okay, so I got mad at this kid's full beer being spilled on me...I'm in a chair and then this kid, who had been sleeping by the keg prior to this debacle, falls over some how lets my shirt get in touch...with his beer.
SO, being the man I am, I get mad in front of the whole party and say, "Come on man what the fuck!?' DUUUUDE COME ON BROOOOO!!!!1!!1 But of course it's okay cuz its not HIS shirt, not to mention the fact that HE is too drunk to even say "excuse me" or "I'm sorry" instead his DIEHARD friends tell me i need to leave. haha "YEAH, We'll we're ____'s friend and we want you to leave!" "YEA! I want you to LEAVE bud! take that!"

Get real....
-this is me getting real...with you-

At this point I look around the room and observe the glory and aw of what was once a beautiful party, has now been turned into a complete hate YOU fest.
-How I felt once that GUY poured a beer over me while bitches screaming in his support. Haha WHATBITCHEZ.
From the minute I had beer put on me i was the victim....Of course my buddy is going to defend me (Thanks friend) but, that's not even good enough. The amount of cooth_Zero. The amount of absent minded...ness, 100%. I wish you all a horrible morning you piece of shit party goers. You are the epitomy of everything that is wrong with society. But, its okay because I didn't throw up...I LOVE watching kids drink and drink and talk shit and then throw up while urinating themselves in agony. What a bitch you are. I wish you the worst hangover any man or women has even undergone. I hate you Ron Burgendy, I HATE YOU!
will farrel

Yeah, take that.

Okay, so you've had too much to drink? This is what you need to do. Got get a bowl and some weed. Hit that. (CuzI'd hit that) Then go get your boys to hold you in the air for a KEEEGGSTTTAAANND HEYYOOOO. (Cuz id do that too)
But, whoa...were you just peer pressured? Come ooooon, its okaaaayy right guys? Just hit it dude...Just drink it.

Lets have BEER...ALL NIGHT....and theeeenn....have SHOTS...-OMGHEADSHOT SHOOOOOTTTZZZZ-
Rest your restless eyes my lady. My lady, my lady, my lady, my lady...You have rendered yourself incapable.
"Well, i don't want her to drown in the puddle of McRancher-potato-Burger."
When people do stuff like this...It makes me wanna SMACK 'EM. yea sheee...SMACK 'EM!
little caesar

Ill pass. I'm not dumb. I'm drunk and at the party trying to stealing your girlfriend. Look,
I'm sorry if they just keep walking up to me. I seriously was walking away from girls and they would soon follow after no matter where I was.


What a guy. =D =P Look, just don't let THIS be you at the next WORST SPEAKER PARTY EVER.

yallzapiece of work.
Despite the circumstances, I did have a blast. The people were all genuinely nice to me, assuming that they don't know of my...condition.

Okay, so this is NOT my condition. WHATEVER. That mouse broke the bank. I HAD to steal him from the pet store. WE HAVE GOT TO SAVE THOSE LITTLE BABIES!!!!11111

Over and out.


  1. "SO, being the man I am..." That's right, you are SUCH a man, why the FUCK was it appropriate to be at a college (mainly freshmen and sophomores) party? It doesn't make sense that you think you've got the right to piss and moan about this poor drunk kid falling on you on accident. Yes, he's wasted, that's annoying I know. But, as you said, you're "a man" so why were you there in the first place? If this kid had gone to one of your "adult" parties and fallen all over you with a full beer then this whole blog would be understandable. But right now it's foolish. You look dumb writing this.

    I am also thoroughly confused as to what girls were "following" you no matter where you were. You were a man at a college party, that is creepy, girls don't follow that.

    And since you're such a man, you should really learn to control your use of the word "bitches." Not only is it completely immature but it's also totally inappropriate under the circumstances, those girls were merely trying to defend one of their best friends. So chill brah.

  2. lighten up asshole fellow commenter.

  3. yo anon, I suggest you read the disclaimer
